(177) - Bois D`arcy (remade) Versailles / France-April2015.

(177) - Bois D`arcy (remade) Versailles / France-April2015.

A larger map than the previous one (5Kms2) and that had to be completely redone. The vegetation in these lands is perhaps the most difficult part to classify given that in the majority the forest consists of deciduous trees and what today is white, tomorrow may well be V2 and V3.
Besides, it was more like a map similar to the previous one, now with different characteristics from the ones we made in Fontenebleau because the stones here did not exist or were very rare.

(177) - Bois D`arcy (remade) Versailles / France-April2015.

(177) - Bois D`arcy (remade) Versailles / France-April2015.

(177) - Bois D`arcy (remade) Versailles / France-April2015.

(177) - Bois D`arcy (remade) Versailles / France-April2015.

(177) - Bois D`arcy (remade) Versailles / France-April2015.

(177) - Bois D`arcy (remade) Versailles / France-April2015.

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