(159) - Titáguas Sprint Map - Spain Non/Dec2013

(159) - Titáguas Sprint Map - Spain Non/Dec2013

This map is part of the same previous project and is designed to the same events.
This map is a part of the forest to the north, has a very old urban part. In this area, all the houses are in ruins. Also has a historical part and a newer part.
Despite being a small map, have very different areas.

(159) - Titáguas Sprint Map - Spain Non/Dec2013

(159) - Titáguas Sprint Map - Spain Non/Dec2013

(159) - Titáguas Sprint Map - Spain Non/Dec2013

(159) - Titáguas Sprint Map - Spain Non/Dec2013

(159) - Titáguas Sprint Map - Spain Non/Dec2013

(159) - Titáguas Sprint Map - Spain Non/Dec2013

(159) - Titáguas Sprint Map - Spain Non/Dec2013

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